Thursday 17 March 2016

Responsive: Final Critique

For this crit, we had the chance to present everything that we had done for responsive, both for individual practice and collaborative, but this time there was more of a focus on how we presented our work, rather than the content. I've never really made art boards before, only presented work on the college's templates, so I decided to keep my art board design simple and clean.

Individual Brief One - Boards for Scream Street

Individual Brief Two - Boards for LoopdeLoop LOL

Individual Brief Three - Boards for LoopdeLoop SISTERS

I tried to keep the style consistent throughout my boards, and the only thing I changed was the colour of the boarder and the logo that I featured accordingly. The majority of the feedback I got was in favour of the way I had presented my work, though I did get a conflicting comment that dislikes the use of colour in the boarder.

Feedback on Individual Practice

As the majority of people liked the way I presented my boards, I think I'm going to keep the style I have chosen, though I may revise the comments I include. I may write a little bit more about my process and what the brief was about. 

Feedback on Collaborative

Unfortunately, we didn't have any boards to present as Tyler wasn't able to get them printed in time for the crit, but I had presented our 'final' animation on one of the computers which we were able to get feedback on. Again, the comments suggested that people liked the animation, though there seemed to be concern with the way we had displayed the disclaimer at the end. It was suggested that we consider the size and the font. Other than that there were no suggestions for improvement, so after I have revisited the text I think we will be good to submit!

Tyler's Art Board and Email Confirmation of Our Submission

Update: I have since updated the text at the end of the animation, and submitted our animation to YCN, along with Tyler's art board that he prepared for final crit. It didn't say anywhere on the brief that we needed to provide an art board, but it did allow for supporting work if it was labelled appropriately in our submission folder, so I thought it couldn't hurt to send it off too.

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