Tuesday 12 April 2016

Responsive: Project Report

For my project report, I could have simply uploaded my art boards to Issuu to create a publication, but I wanted to try and make my work look more professional by changing the layout and style so that it was more suited for a book. I also wanted my project report to include more information about my development and progress, and I didn't feel that my boards were designed in a way that would allow me to add this extra information.

I ended up making new content for the books, and went for a subtle design to keep the publication looking clean and professional. As I didn't want two different briefs to sit next to each other on a double page spread, it meant that my final outcomes would be sat on their own across a double page. I was unsure whether I wanted them to be aligned in the center of the two pages, or have a blank page with my simple decor design on it to break up the briefs.

Center Aligned Images

In the end, I opted for having them sit on just the one page, as I preferred how it looks. I then battled with whether I wanted this blank page to be white or purple. I went for purple as I thought it seemed less empty than the white, and I thought it broke up the different briefs nicely.

I'm happy that I chose to redo the art for the book rather than using my previous boards, as I am very happy with how my work now looks as a publication.

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