Monday 18 April 2016

Applied Animation: Belly and Boy Scene

Whilst I have been animating, I have been referring to our animatic to make sure that each scene will line up once they are put altogether, but for this particular scene I found it really difficult to do so. There was a lot going on and everything seemed to more so quickly in the animatic, and it didn't follow our decided 18 frame transition rate. So what I decided to do for this scene is to animate each individual section separately, so that we can decide on how long certain frames should be held for when they're scanned in. For instance, I started with the belly forming, then the introduction of the boy and then the change in his expression. 

Belly and Boy Scene

In this test I have played around with holding on certain frames to make the sequence flow nicely. The frames seem to make a lot more sense to me now that I have been able to layer them up digitally, and on the whole I like how it looks, though I'm not too happy with the transition of the boy at the end. He moves out of frame as the camera follows the colours upwards, which I tried to draw traditionally. I may have to revisit this part of the animation depending on how quickly we want the colour to rise up/the camera to move, and it will either be a case of drawing more in-betweens, or creating a camera movement digitally in After Effects to match the transition of the colours' movements. I think this will be easier than drawing more in-betweens - especially as the colour will be drawn/created digitally - but it's a case of whether creating the camera movement this way will be consistent with the style we are aiming for.

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