Thursday 23 March 2017

Extended Practice: Updating my LAV

Whenever I have finished animating a scene, I have been slotting my progress into my 'Live Action Video' Premiere project. I thought this was just good practice, and it allows me to see how much has been completed, what there is left to do, and how well the animated sequences flow.

I realised watching through the video that I wanted the kite to crash down next to/near my character, rather than get hit by the kite. This meant that the shot where my character rubs her arm is no longer necessary, and I decided to cut this out. Though it was only a few seconds, this was going to effect the timings of the music that Nathan had sent to me. I let him know of my intentions and thought it was best to meet up to explain the changes I was wanting to make, and whether this was going to be a problem.

I hope not.

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