Wednesday 22 April 2015

Applied Animation: Animating The Car Scene

As I don't have After Effects at home, I couldn't get started on putting the living room and the cityscape together, so I thought I'd continue to be productive and animate the next scene, ready for when I finish this one.

This sequence didn't take me as long to do, as there isn't as much movement and I had already tested the colours before hand. I also knew which components had to be on what layer. I started off by drawing the girl's movements, making sure to include the chair she was sitting on in the same layer. Once I had finished the basic outline, I put the frames together in Photoshop to see whether the movement needed altering before I coloured them in.

Test One

The animation seemed to move quite smoothly and because of this I didn't think I needed to add anymore inbetweens. However, before I coloured in the frames, I quickly tested the timings of the animation as I wanted to see if the action still looked as good when I duplicated some of the frames to make the poses hold for longer (E.g. Taking the photograph). Again, the movement looked fine.

Test Two

I'm really pleased with how this animation has gone. I'm hoping it still works as well when I adjust it in After Effects with the car. I know I'm going to have to extend the background but this isn't going to be a problem as the areas I will need to extend will simply be block colour and I shall do this when I need to.

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