Wednesday 2 December 2015

Telling Tales: Post-Production Sound Test

We're almost there for putting all of our scenes together, all Emma has to do is draw in her character's pupils on after effects as she wasn't able to do this in Maya using a ramp shader, as she had modelled her eyes the wrong way around and also she was having trouble unwrapping the eyes in a UV map (which would have been a much easier solution than adding them in in post, if we could have got this working). Whilst she was doing this I thought I'd get a head start at looking at sound design.

I had found a selection of royality free sound clips way back at the start of the project, so I openned the ones that we had decided might be suitable in Premiere along side my 30 seconds of animation, just to get a feel for what it would look like as a whole animation.

Sound Test One

One of the sounds clips I tested was called Monkeys Spinning Monkeys, and I really liked how these sections of the audio lined up with the falls, especially during the beginning of the montage. The timing works well with the scene and the music is lighthearted and bubbly, which reflects the atmosphere of the story. The only problem I have is trying to fill the gaps in the audio were I have trimmed it to make it fit the video. I'm not sure how well I'm going to be able to mend this, but I can't find out for certain until I have all mine and Emma's clips in order in one project file. I shall have a look once she is finished.

(The video settings of this export are slightly out, causing the fuzzy lines. I shall have to change these when it comes to the final version, but for now it shall do). 

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