Thursday 9 February 2017

Extended Practice: Producing a Storyboard and Animatic

I took the thumbnails I had produced on sticky notes, and worked with them on Photoshop to make my storyboard more presentable/professional, making sure to make the appropriate changes to the story that had been suggested to me in my critique.

Original Sticky Note Panels and Their Changes

I was happy with the changes I had made to the storyboard, especially the middle panel. The close up of the character laughing broke up a series of mid-shots of the character. Not only that but now that it has been pointed out to me, I see that it is a more appropriate shot to show the emotion of the character. 

Once I had finished drawing up the individual panels, I made up a template storyboard layout to neatly organise my story.

Final Storyboard Panels

I took the panels and edited them together in Premiere to make a rough animatic. As I was working out the timings for each action/scene, I timed myself acting out actions/expressions so that I would have a more informed and accurately timed animatic. Watching it back, some of the scenes seem to last too long as the storyboard panel just holds, but this is down to nothing moving on screen, when in the actual animation there would be character movement. So I get a better idea of timings, I may take this into After Effects to incorporate some basic movement.

First Animatic Draft

Even though the storyboard panels were 1280x720, I still made the video file 1920x1080 so that I would be able to slot in completed animation scenes.

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