Thursday 4 February 2016

Responsive Collaboration: 04/02 Responsive Session

In today's session we discussed the progress we both had made since last time we met up. I showed Tyler my environment designs and he showed me the start he had made on his character design. I really liked some of the sketches he had done, despite the fact that he wasn't fond of them because they felt rushed due to having deadlines to work around. We picked out the features and faces we liked and Tyler is going to build on these to create more finalized characters for next session. Whilst he is doing this I am going to continue with the environments and make a start on some look tests.


We also sat down to put together a schedule for our project, above is my touched up version. We thought it looked quite daunting as we only have 6 weeks to complete our animation and get it submitted, but I assured Tyler that I thought it would be do-able if we keep our designs simple which we both agreed was for the best. I also suggested that we should consider using After Effects to produce our animation as I thought this would be less time consuming than trying to produce a paper stop motion animation. We would have a lot of problems to address such as getting a 2D character to stand in a 3D space, which I don't think we have time to test/resolve. Instead, I suggested creating all of our elements in paper and scanning them in to use as 3D layers in After Effects. This would allow us to keep the hand-made paper aesthetic but hopefully make our lives easier. If this fails we may have to resort to creating assets in Photoshop, but we shall see how the tests turn out.


Since the session I have made a start on thumb-nailing our story. I think these help tell the story well, but I shall see what Tyler thinks when we meet on Monday, where we can discuss any potential changes we want to make.

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