Wednesday 18 March 2015

Module OUAN404 Evaluation

I have really enjoyed producing work for visual language and I have generally found the briefs to be very interesting. I particularly enjoyed Environmental Storytelling as this gave me the opportunity to travel and explore new places and because I was in an environment that was completely new to me, this encouraged me to work out of my comfort zone. This brief also got me thinking more cinematically, as I was really considering the composition and perspective of the drawings which is going to be a useful mindset that will help when it comes to creating future animations.
I also very much enjoyed Form, Flow and Force as it had been a long while since I had done any life drawing, and despite this I was able to produce some good pieces of work, some obviously better than others. As well as Environmental Storytelling, this brief also made me more open to experimenting with new materials which isn't something I do often. I'm going to make sure I continue to practice doing so as this experimentation lead to the production of some good quality work, and by practicing using different medias I can have a wider range of skills and options for when it comes to creating animations. I also want to continue life drawing, not just because I have enjoyed it but because I think this will come in handy in terms of animating, as it will help me understand the human form in greater detail, which could result in more accurate characters/movements.

My least favourite brief was Take 5. I found it incredibly frustrating as I found it hard to generate more ideas once I had listened to the sound clips and imagined what I thought they would look like. Despite this, I managed to do sufficient planning to create five animations which all received good feedback when they were presented to the class. Not only has this brief provided me with the opportunity to strengthen my presenting skills, but it has made me more open to tackling abstract themes and it was a nice change from having to design characters and try to make them move perfectly. It has also allowed me to explore animating in a number of different ways. For instance I tried Dragon Frame for the first time whilst animating one of my sounds, and I also put my After Effects knowledge to the test with another animation. I think I have greatly improved at using different computer programs during this brief; I have become more comfortable at using Premiere for editing sound and I am getting to grips at using different dimensions and resolutions in my projects, as well as exporting them in the correct format. This was something I struggled with when I had first started the course (that, and getting my scans to line up so that when I played the animation back the image didn't move around like they did in some of my flip book animations.When you compare these to the animations I have produced now you can clearly see an improvement) but because I have been able to practice this quite considerably, I'm getting the hang of it.

Unlike other modules, I think I have been able to manage my time very well during Visual Language. I was able to meet all of my deadlines with very few problems, and I was generally able to keep up to date with my blogging. I blogged about my work and progress as soon as I had finished working on something, which meant I never really fell behind, so I didn't feel as stressed during this brief. If I was given more time to work on this module however, I would have liked to address some of the improvements that were suggested to me during critique sessions as these had the potential to strengthen my work.

Overall I have enjoyed working with these briefs and I think I have been able to produce some good quality work. I have been able to practice my drawing and each brief has given me new skills and strengthened existing qualities which I will continue to build upon and apply to future projects.

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