Saturday 25 October 2014

Photoshop Induction 3: Frame by Frame Animations

In today's (I say today's but by the time I post this it'll probably be days later) Photoshop induction we learnt how to use video layers and how to create drawn, frame by frame animations using the video timeline. I loved it. Granted I was getting ridiculously frustrated at times as things were going wrong and I didn't know why (still don't know why), but I had finally started making digital animations in the "correct" way.

To get started we were to create a short 5 second animation of a pendulum swinging, but like the lemon I am I COMPLETELY MISUNDERSTOOD the task at hand and instead I looked at working with different elements in a ball bouncing sequence. I think I haven't done too shabbily (yes that is the word I am going to use here) to say it's my first ever digital animation, even if I was supposed to be doing something else. I got the idea to have a water droplet bounce like a ball and then set on fire, so I just went with it, and I'm glad I did because I'm really pleased with it.

In the second half of the induction we were asked to create a short animation using the video timeline feature, that focused on one or more of the classical elements. Now I had already done this in the morning, but did it again anyway to practice using photoshop. I decided to keep it simple, and just had a match being struck against the side of a matchbox to light it. This didn't require much drawing, so I got it done pretty quickly. I was able to just copy and reposition the match drawing onto my next frame, so the only other drawing I needed to do was the flame that grew bigger, and the sparks from the side of the matchbox. Despite how simple it is I am still happy with the result, and by doing this animation I have been able to experience the different things I can do with video timeline, so it has been really useful. 

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