Friday 5 May 2017

Extended Practice: Planning Out a Film Trailer

After researching animation trailers, I've found that I should give insight into the nature of the film without giving too much away, though there aren't really many twists that I could give away. The only real plot twist is that the kite gets stuck in the tree, rather than having a successful attempt. This gave me the idea to make the trailer SEEM as though they have been successful, by simply avoiding the crashing of the kite, which will only emphasize the shock of the failed flying attempts.

Then I thought, depending on how this was put together, it might seem too mundane/uninteresting. To combat this I thought it might be a good idea to produce two short trailers; one that showed the success of the kite and another that only showed the struggles. For the time being I am going to progress with the first idea as this seems to be option that gives away less plot points, then I shall see if making a second trailer is tangible.

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