Tuesday 2 December 2014

The Classical Elements: Once Upon a Candle

Once Upon a Candle is an animation short produced by Animation Workshop, and I think it is fantastic. Not only do I think its visually stunning, I also think it would be a great reference for my own animation. 

Once Upon a Candle by Animation Workshop

 I feel like I am repeating myself when I say this, but I really like the way that the candle burns and how the flame moves and flickers. I also think it has been produced to a very high standard, and the flame, as well as pretty much every other element in this animation, has a high degree of realism. As much as I would like to be able to create something this realistic, I highly doubt I'm going to be able to at this early stage, however I can look at it as inspiration for the movement of my flames.

Another thing I like about this animation is the way the candle moves about the desk. It moves as though it is very flexible, and rocks back and forth to gain momentum to jump along with the stand he is kept in. I also like how this changes when he melts down to half his height. He still moves in a similar way, but because he is much shorter he can't gain as much momentum and his movements become much shorter. He also looses the ability to jump because of this. I think this is a great animation to look at because of this range of different styles of movement, which have been executed very well. I definitely think I will return to this animation for these movement sequences as an inspiration for my own animation.
Not only do I like how he "walks", I also like the way he moves his whole body/head to help express his emotions. I hadn't even considered doing something like this, and when I thought about my animation I just imagined them being quite stationary and having all their emotion being portrayed in their facial expressions. I would very much like to try and give this a go and incorporate it into my own animation, as I think it could really help explain the narrative, as well as enhance emotion. 

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