Monday 11 January 2016

Applied Animation: 11/01 Meeting

Today we all sat down to discuss the stories we had been able to collect over the weekend about potential white lies we were told as a child. I, personally, had been able to get quite a few stories that I had been told about but nothing that was necessarily substantial enough to animate as such. The only ones that were lengthy were too long and not suitable for what we wanted to do (a collection of different stories). 

Wing's Research With Notes

Wing seemed to have gone beyond expectations, and had put together a handful of questions that she asked different family members, though the answers she got were quite short and not long enough to create a narrative from. From Wing's sheet and further discussion of our ideas, we decided on asking parents/interviewees two questions (How did you explain to your children that a family member/pet had passed away, and how did you explain to your children that they would be having a new sibling?). From the responses we get we are going to pick out our favourite stories which we shall build upon.

Meeting Notes

In our discussion we also revised the technique we are wanting to use. At the moment we are leaning towards traditional animation, to create simple, animated line drawings, and having splashes of colour to show the children's perspectives. We talked about keeping the line drawing consistent throughout the piece, but experiment with the way that colour is implemented to show the difference between the children's views as the differentiation between the parents will be apparent in the dialogue and voices. 

In terms of visuals and what it is exactly that we are going to animate we are still unsure. For now we are just going to create mood boards of styles that we like and could consider working in, as well as example animations to take inspiration from. Once we have narrowed down our story and worked towards a final narrative (which is scheduled to be the end of next week at the latest) we shall be able to  make a start on visuals and storyboards. 

We are going to sit down in tomorrows session and look at the mood boards we are each going to be making tonight. 

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