Tuesday 12 January 2016

Responsive: LoopdeLoop2 - Finishing Off and Submitting my Entry

The only thing I had left to do was to do the sound design for my loop. I wasn't looking to have any music in the background as I thought this would be more awkward to loop smoothly. Instead I looked towards recording my own sound effects and character noises. I purposefully didn't create any dialogue so I could record me and my sister making odd noises and laughing, which is just what I did.

Audio Test One

Audio Test Two

I had two separate laughing tracks, and at first I was unsure of which I wanted to go with. In the end I opted for the second as it seemed less "full-on" and was instead more "giggly", which I felt suited the animation better, especially as the characters mouths weren't fully open.

Final LoopdeLoop Submission

I actually had a lot of fun recording the sounds for my animation. At first I was hoping to look for some royalty free game noises and the sound of being hit with a controller, but I found this time around it was much easier to create the sounds myself. For the gun shot sounds, I recorded myself making the noises that I thought the gun should sound like, then increased the speed of the sound clips so that they were more high-pitched. I did the opposite for when the character gets shot (decreased the speed for a lower pitch). For the sound of being hit by a controller, I simply let my sister hit me in the leg with one, considering she had let me lightly strangle her for a video reference; it seemed only fair.

My LoopdeLoop is now submitted and I am awaiting confirmation on whether it meets the requirements to be featured on the website. I'm really happy with how it has turned out actually, much more than my first submission. I think this entry is more fitting for the theme and it loops much smoother than my first attempt. I also think it's a nice touch that I did all the sound recording myself (with the help from my tremendous voice actress, Maressa) as it gives it more of a sentimental feeling considering it was based on the relationship I have with my sister.
I did find that I didn't enjoy digitially drawing the animation frames this time around though. I found myself trying to cut corners by selecting sections that stayed the same and shifting them, rather than drawing them out, because I felt it was the only way I could achieve consistency, especially because I was having to redraw the same lines over and over because I wasn't happy with how they sat. I still really enjoyed the colouring and the general designing of the piece, but I think it might be a good idea to give animating digitally a rest for a while and resort back to traditional. I feel much more comfortable and confident with my line making on paper and I think this would benefit my animating. I'm not going to completely leave digital as I believe I am able to produce some nice work in this way, and I would also like to continue to practice to try to overcome my issues, just not now.
Emma has also suggested to me to try and use the pen tool to try to animate with rather than just the brush tool, as you can create some smooth shapes easily. I personally don't use the pen tool often as I find it a bit awkward to use, but I shall definitely bare this in mind for next time and give it another try.

Edit: This is the link to my Loop submission

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