Tuesday 6 January 2015

Environmental Storytelling: Nottingham

I had chosen - I say chosen, but I had no other choice - possibly the coldest day to go to Nottingham that there ever has been. Ever. The cold made it incredibly difficult to draw as my fingers were swelling up from the cold so even holding onto my drawing utensil was next to impossible, and I couldn't wear gloves because it's just as awkward to grip things wearing them. Due to this I didn't find today as successful as my trip to York. I didn't use a wide variety of media like I wanted to, as I chose pen for the majority of my drawings so that I could quickly get them finished because the quicker I did so, the sooner I got to warm my hands up again in my pockets. 

I started the day with this drawing. I chose to use a thick black pen as usually I stick to fine liners, and wanted to see if I could get the general structure completed first before I went and added detail with a thinner pen. I was able to do this, but I'm not so happy with the drawing. Granted it does resemble the building I was drawing to an extent, but I don't think it's on par in terms of quality when I compare it to the drawings I completed at York. I also haven't been able to consider space or environment with this drawing, and I haven't been able to set the scene very well. 

The same goes for this drawing. Whereas this drawing is much better than the first in terms of quality and detail, I still haven't been able to draw the space surrounding the church like I wanted to. Maybe if I had drawn in some detail beyond the tree and the church that it would give a greater sense of space, and make it feel more like a scene rather than just an observational drawing. I will cut myself a bit of slack though, because in order for me to draw the church I had to sit very close to it as it was in the centre of the town, due to this I had to practically have my neck at a 90 degree angle to see the steeple. I also think I have done a good job at capturing how old the church was by drawing in some of the brickwork and the detail in the window. 

These two drawings were much harder to draw, but I think they have been a great success. I was trying to redeem myself a little by capturing the scene, so I was really focusing on the environment and how I was going to scale it down in my book. This proved to be quite difficult as the town was very busy, and I didn't fancy drawing in crowds of people. These could always be added in later on if needs be. 
With the drawing on the right this wasn't a massive problem, but it proved itself to be for the one on the left. I was able to draw the buildings accurately, but it was hard to finish it off as there was a huge crowd of people towards the centre-left of the drawing. Despite this I'm really pleased with how these two have turned out. I especially like my use of perspective. I also like how there seems to be different textures in the drawing on the right, and how the quick sketchy lines seem to make the foliage stand out from the buildings and the concrete. 

This drawing is definitely my favourite of the day. Not only is it because it's the only one where I haven't used pen, it's because I have been able to accurately recreate the scene and I think I have done a good job at describing the weather with the use of colour. The colours are very grey and murky, which accurately describes the fact that it was FREEZING that day. I also like the vanishing point I have been able to create, and the accuracy of the perspective makes it feel as though it is an actual place rather than just a drawing. 

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