Monday 2 February 2015

Applied Animation: Initial Ideas

I really like the sound of this brief. I usually like briefs that have an initial guide line which you can then make into your own, so this sounds to be right up my street. For part of the brief we have to select one of three study tasks;

A) Create two 10 second animations for two different TV channels that they can use as an ident. Each one must promote the channel and meet the requirements they have given.

B) Create a 30 second animated title sequence for a book that has been adapted to film, only the book can't already have been adapted.

C) Produce a 30 second animation for either "Amnesty International" or "Childline" that is sympathetic and advertises the organisation/raises awareness.

All of the three tasks can be completed in any medium/technique I desire, but it must be suitable for my subject topic. At this moment I'm leaning towards the first two, as the third sounds to me like it could be quite depressing. Yes it might have been nice to do something a little more serious for a change, but I'm really not in the mood to be thinking about neglected children and such. So it looks like it's A or B for me, and at the moment I'm swaying more for B.

Whilst on holiday two years back, A couple that sat next to me and my family around the pool were leaving and asked if I would be interested in a book they had brought to read whilst on their trip. They really enjoyed it but weren't too bothered about taking it home with them. I read the blurb and it sounded like quite a good read, so I kindly took them up on their offer. I read it and I was instantly hooked. The book was called Target by Simon Kernick, and it was crime/mystery/thriller type of book and I loved it. After I read it, I went out and bought other titles that he had written, and I was just blown away by the stories. His books are the first things I thought of when this brief was presented to me. The stories are extremely interesting and full of twists, and they have great character development and descriptions so I could easily generate enough ideas and visuals for the brief, and they haven't been made into a film, so his books would definitely met requirements.

But before I just go ahead with this idea, I want to brainstorm ideas for study task A too, as it does sound like it could be quite interesting. I shall compare both lots of ideas, and see which I think I will be able to get the best story from and go from there. 

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