Wednesday 25 February 2015

Model Making: Session Three

The third session has definitely been my favourite so far. We had the chance to give our characters clothes (we could also decide to leave them as just a general body shape if we wanted to make clothes out of materials) and other details, and I loved how fiddly my design was. I like anything that is intregately detailed, so I had a lot of fun making the components of the character's jacket. It's probably not the best work I have done with Plasticine, but I have been out of practice for a while. It still looks like my character design, so I can't really complain; I'm happy with it.

Adding Detail

The next stage was absolutely devastating. As we were to make a Plaster cast of our character, I had to remove the hair that I'd spent a good 45 minutes making as it was too fiddly to make a cast of. It's fair to say a few tears were shed (not actually, but still, heartbroken).
In order to make the cast, we had to roll out a thick slab of clay which we then cut into to make our model sit in. We then made sure that only half was covered and made the model lay in place by filling in any gaps, and smoothing the clay up to and around the model. Once this was complete we made thick walls around the model to make a "container" to pour the Plaster into, but before we did this we created "keys" that we placed on the base of the container, so we'd be able to connect the two halves of the Plaster molds.

Making a Plaster Mold

Unfortunately we weren't able to make a mold of the second half as we ran out of time, so we shall be covering this next session, which again, I can't wait for.

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