Tuesday 10 November 2015

Responsive: LoopdeLoop - Generating Ideas

I had established a starting point of having a "quirky character" in my animation, so with that in mind I started to brainstorm ideas. As I was wanting the character to be the main focus of the loop I began to think about what the character could be, or based on. My first thought was an animal as they have the tendency to be quite funny and there is masses upon masses of animal videos on the internet to show this. Because of this, I thought animals would be a good way to go, as they can appeal to most people and there would be a lot of reference material I could use. 

Brainstorming Ideas in my Sketchbook

I started by jotting down animals that I find amusing (because after all, the brief is looking for what makes ME laugh), but I soon couldn't think of any more ideas. So I decided to do some 'research'. I opened up Reddit and searched for funny animals, and spent the best part of an hour watching stupid animal videos in an attempt to make ideas coming rushing to me. 

It worked, to be fair. 

When I was thinking of the potential character/narrative, I also considered how I could make them loop, and jotted down the ideas that I thought could work as a looping animation. I got many more ideas than what I wrote down, but when I was sketching my cute little piggies, I got an idea that I wanted to explore further. The idea was a cat that goes to clear a space but fails the jump. 

Developing Cat Idea

I thought this idea was the best I had had so far, and thought the audience would appeal to a greater number of people - I know most of my friends find cat videos amusing anyway -  so I went ahead and developed it further and got some designs done. The narrative was simple, and would be easy enough to make loop, it was the style of the character and the setting that I was more concerned with. I quickly researched cats and looked at the different breeds and colours, before deciding I wanted the cat to be quite basic and squishy. I will decide on the colour and the shape when I have created my environment, which shall be my next step towards completing this brief. 

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