Sunday 9 November 2014

"Apply": Planning Continues.

Before I get started with animating this bad boy, I have decided to look at the events of the animation in more detail. I thought that because I only have 5-10 seconds to work with, some of the actions that I want to include might be unneccessary and therefore taking up frames that I don't really have to spare.


I decided on the key events, and which ones where essential for the story. I need to let the audience know that she really likes giraffes, so attention needs to be drawn to her shirt. Then a giraffe will appear, and she will interact with the giraffe, before it licks her hair and leaves. These are the things that definitely need to happen, and I shall draw these out first and see how many frames they take up. If I don't have enough frames to meet the minimum requirement I shall draw out some "Filler Scenes" that I have come up with, for example, the girl could walk into the shot at the beginning.

 Refined sketch of characters

After long consideration, I have decided that I am going to hand draw my frames. As much as I would have liked to return to drawing the frames in Photoshop and using the video timeline feature, I feel that hand drawing them is the more sensible option this time around. I don't have long to get my animation finished, and I have more practice with hand drawing frames. It also means that if I don't get them all drawn out while I'm in the studio, I can take them home and work on them over the weekend, where-as I won't be able to do this with the Photoshop frames as I don't have the programme at home.

With planning all finished, lets get started.

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