Tuesday 4 November 2014

Flash (Aaaaaah) Induction

I don't think I've ever got so frustrated using a programme in my entire life. I was trying to follow the principles of animation, by making the ball ease in and out along the path that it was moving along, but I just couldn't do it. I couldn't make it ease in without changing the path I wanted it to follow, the same goes for making it ease out. I was watching what other people were doing, and trying to follow to their example but I just couldn't seem to make it do what I wanted, and the thing is I don't know what I was doing differently.

I've had a play with it and my experience was not enjoyable in the slightest, I even found drawing eyes on my ball awkward as hell. I can appreciate those who use the programme, and that it has features that can be quite useful in animation and game production etc, but I can't see myself returning to this programme. Ever. I may give it a couple more shots but other than that...

Here is what I did produce. It's not at all what I wanted to achieve, but I guess it will do as an basic example of what I can (or more accurately can't) do with the features of flash. 

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