Monday 3 November 2014

"Apply": Planning.

Well today has been interesting to say the least. I started planning for my new brief "Apply" where I have to create either a 5-10 second animation or a 20-30 second animation based on one of seven words; love, hate, surprise, fear, longing, lateness, happiness.

I started of by brainstorming ideas for just three words as they stood out to me the most, which were surprise, lateness and love. I managed to find the definitions of each of these words, and from these definitions I got quite a few ideas for an animation or storyline. And by quite a few, I mean a lot. I was just so overwhelmed with my ideas, and just the task in general. It may seem relatively straight-forward because we just have to come up with an idea based on a word, but I had to make the idea either short enough to meet the requirements of the drawn animation option, or be long enough to become a pixilation, and I didn't think any of my ideas met these requirements and I wanted to cry. I almost did.

 One day I shall scan in my sketchbooks, but today is not that day.

I didn't though, and I eventually calmed down and pulled myself together. I figured I didn't want to look any further into any of the other words, as I couldn't think of anything initially, and I had way too many balls in the air as it was, so I took note of main ideas to get myself back on track. These were:

- Surprise: Either create a short animation about a Jack-in-the-Box or create a pixiliation where the character in the story finds out they have super powers of some sort.

- Lateness: The character keeps snoozing an alarm that is persistant, and then realises they are late for an event, or the character is seen stuck in traffic. Both ideas could be linked.

- Love: For this category, I started to list the things that I "love" to see if there was anything I could base an animation on. My initial thought was music, and ultimately Thirty Seconds to Mars and Jared Leto (Ooft by the way). I thought I could base it on the band somehow, and maybe have myself daydreaming about meeting them, or reliving the concert I went to see in November. I could even incorporate the bouncing ball sequences, and have draw big balls bouncing on top of a croud, just like they did in concert. As much as I liked this idea, and the little sketch I came up with, I think what I was wanting to produce was way too adventurous. However, I may return to this idea and try to use the character I drew because I really like it.
My next idea for this cateogory was to portray a character's love for an animal or a person. Maybe have a baby playing with a puppy or someone cuddling a cat or another animal.

I was still stuck on what idea to go with, so I quickly drew some visuals in hopes that it made me decide on what I wanted to use. After about an hour of debating and getting worked up I finally thought, y'know what, i'm just going to go for the giraffe idea.

 Quick Storyboard to Test Idea's Potential

I put together a quick storyboard to see whether the ideas/events in my head would be sufficient for an animation, and I ended up really liking it. It looks really basic but I quite like the design of the characters, and the simplisty of it all means that I can really focus on putting my knowledge of the principles of animation to use. For instance, the anticipation of the giraffe licking her hair, the arcs in the movement of the girl's arms, follow through action when the girl lets go of her shirt, and so on. 

I definitely think I'm going to produce a drawn/digital animation rather than a pixilation as I don't have enough content for a pixiliation - That, and where would I get a giraffe from? - but I am still undecided whether I want to draw it by hand using punched paper, or create it digitally using photoshop. I'm going to plan out my keyframes, and start to think about timing and spacing, and then I shall just go from there.   

Wish me luck.

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