The cloak is an animation short produced by Filmcow, and was uploaded to Youtube about 6 years ago. It's basically about communism and mormons and whatnot. Basically, lots of things I still don't understand 6 years later. But I think that's the beauty of this animation, you don't really need to understand much about these things to find it entertaining. Yes, it will probably help, but the knowledge isn't essential. I can't really put into words why either, it's just so weird and random, and that's why I love it. Even though the animation is very, very basic, the characters have great appeal just because of the strange yet wonderful things they come out with.
The animation is most likely to have been produced with teenagers and young adults in mind. Yes it mentions communism, but there is no way I could see adults watching this. Unless they had a very strange sense of humour similar to that of a high school student, I doubt they're going to enjoy it. It's very 'random' for a lack of a better word to use, and some of the scenes can be quite disturbing.
The animation is nothing outstanding visually, infact it is one of the most basic animations I have watched in a long time, but I think it works wonders for the characters and makes them even more bizarre gives them more appeal. Especially Robert. God I love this character.
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