Friday 28 November 2014

Set, Series, Sequence: Part Three

For the final part of the brief, I was produce a sequence of 12 images to tell a short narrative about the 8 images I had developed. Obviously the story was going to be about bees, or at least involve some, so I quickly brainstormed what the narrative could be about. I thought about the different things that I took into consideration when I was designing my bees and worked from there, I.e The type of bee (Queen, Worker, Bumble).

My Ideas
I really liked the idea of a bee hive being a factory where bees work to mass produce honey, and thought it was the idea with the greatest potential. Well, one I could get 12 images out of. So I went with it. I quickly jotted down what I wanted to happen in the story, then just rolled with it. Like always, I tried to include a variety of shots and angles, and I think I have done alright.

Storyboard of 12 Images - Bees in a Honey Factory

I went against the idea of adding colour to my storyboard, as I wanted to produce quick fine-liner drawings to explain my narrative, and ended up adding details with them too. I think it would have been nice to see some colour as the addition of colour has improved my storyboards in the past, but I am happy with how the storyboard stands. 

I've really enjoyed working with this brief, and think I have been able to do a good job of responding quickly to the words given to me, as well as exploring with different media, which is something I haven't done for a long while. I shall have to continue with this experimentation as I have thoroughly enjoyed it and think i have been able to create some good work, which should only get better the more I practice.

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