Sunday 2 November 2014

Pixilation Task: Research

In our briefing we were shown a couple of examples of pixilation, but one that stood out to me the most was Her Morning Elegance. I thought it was really creative and I liked how it followed a general theme by having each scene created with things that could be found in the bedroom, for instance bed sheets and pillows. I also like the style of the pixilation, and how it gives the illusion that she has travelled a great distance, when she hasn't even left the bed. Its different to most pixilations I have seen as they are focusing on moving the props and the bacground, whilst the character stays relatively still. It's not the only pixilation I have seen that is like this however. Whilst I was watching it, it reminded me of a few other animations...

Her Morning Elegance - Song by Oren Lavie and Animated by Yuval and Merav Nathan

The first video that it reminded me of was Adele's "Chasing Pavements" music video. Now, techniqually it's not a pixilation as it seems to have been filmed or shot using continous shooting but I still like the idea behind the video, and that it doesn't just show you the action from bird's eye view like it does in Her Morning Elegance (well majority of it). There is a combination of standing up and laying down as there is a shift between the two stories being presented in the video. For instance, the couple are dancing when they are laid down, and they act out the story of the two meeting and having arguments. Then you see the other side of the story where they have been involved in a car crash, and the people that are standing are trying to help them. I think this video had good potential to be a pixilation and it would been nice to see it presented as one.

Adele - Chasing Pavements

The next video it reminded me of was Coldplay's "Strawberry Swing" music video. Now this is definitely a pixilation, and a good one at that. I love how Martin interacts with props as well as the drawn background, which is a nice example of a large scale animation. I also love how the camera angle seems to change, even though it never actually shifts from a bird's eye view. This is due to how the floor has been drawn on, and how Martin has to change positions from laying on his side to on his front and even in some shots he is standing up. I love how this gives the animation depth and for this reason I think I prefer it over the other two examples. Not only this but I love the storyline and how the drawings flow into one another. It's very bright and quirky and I just think it's great. I also like how Martin comes back to reality at the end; I think it was a great way to wrap up the video. 

Coldplay - Strawberry Swing

Watching these has definitely made me want to try pixilation again, as it has proved to me that there is so much you can do with it. I could even try combining drawn animation with it to create some interesting pieces of work. But we shall have to see.

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