Sunday 9 November 2014

How Do I Get You A Loan?

This. Advert. Though.

I was CREASED the first time I watched this advert. It was such a simple pun yet worked so well for the loan company. Whether it worked to get people to take out loans with them I don't know, but I reckon it has done a good job at getting their name out there at least. I know I probably won't forget about Satsuma for a while just because I can't get over how wonderful that pun is. This and the combination of the digitally produced singing orange (Well, I'm guessing it's been digitally produced, it looks too perfect to be stop motion) has made for an entertaining advert, and one that I will happily sit through. So even if they haven't been successful at providing people with loans through this ad, at least they've done a good job at making something I won't turn off when it comes on.

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