Friday 21 November 2014

Set, Series, Sequence: Part One

For the "Set, Series, Sequence" brief, we were to choose one of the following words to respond to; dance, tank, science, flight, envelope, fork, bug, skip and plant. I thought about each word individually before I got started, to see which one I thought i'd be able to produce the best work for. For a very long time I couldn't get the idea of "A fork in the road" out of my head, and all I could picture was a literal fork laid in the road. I wasn't happy. It wasn't even that funny.


I decided to go with flight in the end, and started off by thinking of things that travelled through the air. For some reason the first thing I thought of was a hot air balloon so I started with that. That led me to think of balloons, and so on. I was pretty much just drawing things that had wings or could float.

Here is a gif of all my drawings (Actually been scanned too. Thank you, no need for applause)

This part of the task actually didn't take me that long, which has surprised me a little. I was rather quick with my drawings, and the ideas came to me fairly quickly, some of them clearly better than others. Now I need to pick out my most successful one to develop further, which to me sounds harder than drawing 32 different images. 

I really like my bees, I think they're cute, and I think my spiral staircase is the best flight of stairs I have ever drawn (not that I've drawn many though), but I don't really see myself creating a narrative out of stairs. For this reason I think I'm going to have to look at something that has the capability to move, and I think it's going to be a choice between my Bees, Helicopter Seeds, Kites, Paper Airplanes, Butterflies and Darts. Hmm.

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