Friday 21 November 2014

The Classical Elements: Creating an Animatic

I wanted to create an animatic so I could test the length of my animation, and see whether I had enough content to meet the requirements of my brief. I was unsure on how much of a delay to put on each of the frames, as I have never made an animatic before, so I just gave each one a 0.3 second delay and this made the animatic last for 19 seconds or so. I think that sounds like a good length at this stage, as obviously some of the sequences are going to last longer than what I have made them in the animatic, and some will be much shorter, so I don't think I'm going to have a problem in terms of length. 

I don't think it looks bad visually either. Well, my final piece will obviously be much more detailed and it will run smoother than my animatic, but I think there is a good range of shots to make it interesting to watch. Granted there isn't a wide variety of different camera angles, but the focus is on the characters anyway rather than the setting. So I think what I have chose to include is fitting for the animation. 

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