Sunday 2 November 2014

Pixilation Task: More Research

I thought I'd research further into Pixilations and try to look at some that weren't used as music videos. Whilst I was searching I came across this absolute gem. It's called Stanley Pickle and it was produced by Vicky Mather.

I wanted to talk about this short film because I like the different ways it uses pixilation. They have made Stanley and his family move in quite a robotic way by making stiff movements which really helped portray that they have been created by Stanley and that his life is run like clockwork. It really freaks me out how they move, and the way they smile creeps me out, but I think it suits the characters very well as it helps represent how uniform his life is and how he is a bit of a recluse.

On the opposite side of the scale, we can see very smooth and fluid movements from the female character, but they are far from realistic. Unlike Stanley and his family, she glides along the ground, which again, I think suits her character very well. It helps to represent that she is a "free-spirit". We then see that Stanley later adapts this style of moving to show that he has changed and left behind his previous life.

Despite it making feel very uncomfortable, I really enjoyed watching this video and think it is an excellent example of pixilation. The movements aren't too jumpy and they aid the animation well.
I also think the film is great visually, and things like lighting and scenery have been carried out at a high standard.

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